Cogito ergo sum - I'm thinking, therefore I am

A powerful weapon of mass destruction.

So now, technically, I exist in this cyber world if I understood René Descartes' statement right. While reading through his statement again, I am actually wondering what a man can do to devise his/her life for the next event after our moment in this earth. Will our existence continue if we keep on thinking? or is his basis of existence an absolute nonsense? But despite his statement, we must be honest with ourselves that no one in this world can surely paint a picture of what we would be doing after the short moments in our lives. People would ask a lot of things and worry about them but surely we can say that it is a huge fun and pain to see ourselves through this complicated "life".

People believe what they want to believe. We hear what we want to hear. We see what we want to see. We choose and decide for ourselves and sometimes we allow other people in our lives to decide for us but beware, all the good things and bad things that these decisions bring us directly affects us in every angle.

So we bear responsibility for the things we decide to do here on this beautiful yet taken for granted biosphere and I continually ask myself what good can I do for the sake of my existence here. So to clear up my messed up mind, I tried to define myself.

I think I am a YOLO but not a selfish one. I am not a hardcore YOLO but an enthusiast of the beauty of possibilities which our decisions bear fruit to. I am also a believer, a man of faith. Faith is different for every people and I won't disclose it here now for the sake of world peace. And I gave this writing a shot to bring not only myself the pleasure of having fun (logical ones) but also entertain you and inform you with the thoughts of my mind. So tune in if you think my brain is worth the attention.

I love writing stories and if you ask me personally, I prefer romantic and adventurous ones which foretell my future contents. I don't wish to bore you with long introductions and I believe you would be getting to know me through the stories I am going to unfold in our future meetings.

Have fun and be responsible with your shit.


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