Hourglass - Eventually everything passes

A difference in growth. A difference in the capability of moving on.

Time heals a lot of things. But it does not heal everything. The memory of the past cannot be discarded unless you decide to knock your head and get a retrograde amnesia. It is strange how a person that was so close to you can drift away as if you were enemies before. All that is left is bitterness and pain. No more tears to be shed. Feelings and emotions dried up like the great lakes in the North. Eventually you may think, is this how you lose meaning in life?

I'm reaching my hand to my alarm clock.
I rise up from my bed, unmotivated and dull. Maybe the perfect description for me would be a "walking dead". I look at myself reflected from my bathroom mirror, "Yeah, definitely a walking dead". I brush my teeth, take a quick shower and prepare myself for another batch of agonizing hours with the students who are trying to paint out relentlessly the future their parents wish to see in their children.

I mean, they don't even want to be here. But I get it, since they need to cope with the society's standard, they have to be here. And for me to eat, drink and have fun, I also need to be here. What a bunch of unmotivated people in a wrong place, in a wrong time. So what? I need the money, so I get to work.

Since this is my first class with the new batch, I decided to introduce myself quickly and dismissed the class early. I did the same until the last class. I just slept during my vacant times in my favorite bench in the academy.

I decided to walk home alone. I plugged in the earphones and turned on my jukebox. I'm prepped and ready for my peaceful journey home.

I hate taking buses. I hate to see people trying hard with something they don't even want to do. Always busy, always in a hurry. Wasting life.

I hate to see couples. They test my insides to release unhygienic juices. I get to see them always. Sometimes I wish I was blind. But what can I do, I'm just a sad and pitiful man. And my mind goes into transition and, I think of the one who left me hanging over the clouds, alone. I try to remember, I smile, I realize, I frown, aaaannnd I am back. Just an endless repetition everyday.

I was drenched in my music when I saw this girl crying, alone in a bench near my apartment villa. Maybe she had a breakup too. I felt her pain or maybe I just felt my pain. I dunno. I remembered I had this chocolate bar in my shoulder bag. I rarely eat sweets. But after the breakup these sweets are the only avenue of peace that I have in my wretched life. I gave her the chocolate bar I was saving and I left it at her side. Because I believe, when you need to cry, you just have to cry and I didn't want to ruin her moment.

So I continued walking home until I reached my apartment. I opened the door and saw my old best friends, darkness and desolation. I am back to this lonely place. I managed to cook myself some easy meal and started eating with my television on.

"God, I hate this life".


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