Joy - Feeling Less Lonely

A doll of BB-8 featured in one of my favorite movie series,
Star Wars. The movie deals with companionship, hardship and hope.

Having a friend around you can meet anytime to talk about your day, can be so normal for some but it is something a lot of people long for and wish for. Just because of being busy with work, not being able to socialize anymore or being far from home can be some of the reasons behind our loneliness.

Loneliness is something we carry in our lives. Maybe some feel it lesser compared to others. And some may feel it more amplified than the others. But too much of anything is bad for anyone so don't take in too much loneliness in your heart. But what if I am left with no choice? What if I don't have anyone to socialize with? Don't worry, everyone has the choice not to be lonely. Which means, what hinders us from being un-lonely has got to do with our fears and lack of confidence. But nobody blames you for being a fearful introvert.

"Thank you for yesterday"

I was just lucky I passed her by that day.
I wasn't really expecting something in return.
But I'm grateful that I could have been a help to someone.
Actually I've never felt so useful in my life before.

After drinking the letters in that note along with the ion drink,
I went to the teacher's lounge for a coffee and some morning snack.
Everyone's in their own classes, I got the whole lounge for myself. Yay

Few minutes passed by and my colleague entered the lounge with big dark circles under her eyes.
"Tough morning" I greeted her as she entered the room.
"Yeah, I never got enough sleep because of the dog next door"
"They can be lovely sometimes"

She got herself a coffee from the coffee maker and made herself some sandwich with the ingredients in the refrigerator.
And she sat beside me.
She gave me a look if I wanted some of the sandwich.
I turned my head sideways.
"Thanks anyway"

We chatted a little.
She told me about her Tinder date that had gone wrong in a sushi shop.
The guy was just literally looking at her chest the whole time they were on the date.
"I wanted a decent guy to have a meal with and all I get is this pervert that was just there giving me the looks"
And she just continued on ranting about her previous dates.
Good thing I was in the mood to listen to her and we just talked there for some time.

"I can use some decency, maybe you should ask me out for some dinner" She said.
"Sure, just tell me later when you are free" I replied.
I always thought she was a nice chat and she looked nice too.
And I left the room because I had to go to my class.
After my daily routine with my classes. I packed my bag to go home.

As usual, I plugged my earphones in and listened to my music.
Today, I felt like listening to acoustic indies so I went for the indies folder.
The sun was setting nice and I was strolling down the path to my apartment villa.
And as I was near my place, I saw this girl from yesterday talking to a guy in the playground.
The dude was gesturing her to leave him alone. But the girl looked like she begged him to love her back again.
But the dude looked firm with his decision. And he left her.
She was breaking into tears again.

And I know that it is not my business but I felt sorry for her.
My brain told me not to approach her but my heart pushed me to comfort her.
So I approached her with the least creepy way possible.
I tapped her shoulder and I just handed her my handkerchief.
She turned and took the handkerchief from my hand.
Her tears were just flowing out from her big brown eyes.
And her make up was flowing too.
I tried not to notice her make up and I looked away because I might make a funny face.
I didn't say anything because I knew words can't comfort her at this moment.
So I just left.

I went back to my apartment and did my same old routine.
But compared to my previous days today felt a little different.
The note from the girl this morning kept bothering me.
It revived something that had been lost in me for a long time.
I've forgotten the word for it.. uhmmm
Or maybe I'm just thinking too much.


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