
People hope despite their blurry future.

"Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies" - Andy (Shawshank Redemption) 

Hope is like looking through a telescope searching for the star you've been searching for years. It is a young sailor sailing towards his first adventure. It is also the face of a young boy unwrapping his gift on the day of Christmas. It can also be a mother praying relentlessly for the failing health of her daughter. It can be a man who is on his knees proposing to his girlfriend whom he dated for 5 years. It can be a kid gazing at the sky thinking someday he can fly through the clouds.

Hope appears in many shapes and it channels through the people who embraces it. Regardless of the chance of failing, we choose to hope. 

This is something that keeps us moving on.


Today is a sunny day.
And finally it is the weekend.
I had no worries waking up late today.
Because Today is the day that I don't have to give crap to anything.
The best day ever.

I embraced the ray of sunlight like the arms of my loving mother.
I woke up later than usual and I was in a perfect mood.
I started my day with my favorite music and now I am dancing myself a bit.
I always enjoyed the little out-of-me stunts in my old little room.
Because I had this thought with me that sometimes you need to make a fool of yourself because life's too serious.

I go to the kitchen and cook myself some morning breakfast I haven't eaten properly in days.
I got my eggs sunny-side up as always, keeping that yellow circle that looked like a baked sun in my plate.
I went on getting myself some hash brown and bacon from the frying pan I dearly loved.
I loved it because I got it free from a cooking convention months ago and I was just happy with the pan displayed in the kitchen. Everybody loves a freebie.
And well you may ask me with a puzzled look on your face, how can you love something without even trying something out?
Well sometimes just the idea of having something or someone is better than having them for real.

I had this girl in my childhood that I liked very much.
Me and my buddies were out there for a little stroll in our bikes.
We felt like cool dudes in a black leather jacket with our hair slicked back on our newly bought black Harley. We checked out the girls as we strolled down in our town  but instead we were just kids riding on our pitiful bikes and yes, we tried hard to look cool. 
We've put some stickers on it and painted our bikes black, we tried, we tried hard.

But then there she was, playing with her friends in the park. Swinging. And I thought God had rented the park that morning where the angels were swinging back and forth in that blessed playground.
And the sun was behind her, giving her the most amazing glow I have ever seen in my 12 years of life on earth. 
She was just the definition of beauty and I might even replace the word beauty with her name on it.
I was bedazzled with her existence that time. I was on my bike and I was riding on without looking forward and we caught each other's eye until I crashed by bike to a parked big garbage truck in front of me.

The garbage man was yelling at me, my bike was yelling at me and my torn muscles were yelling at me but I didn't care. because I was in heaven at that time.
And in heaven, there is no pain, gnashing of teeth, sadness or remorse.
I thought if she would just give me a smile, I would be healed from every pain I'm feeling right now and maybe including the pain in the future.


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