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I bought the popcorn with thought of the joy its deliciousness can bring. But unfortunately the real popcorn gives you also the pain by getting stuck between your gums and teeth. It is strange how someone gets stuck in your thought. The thought of that someone lingers in your memory like how garlic and onion lingers in your mouth after eating it and even when you burp. I thought I was heaven. And all I did was see her. Maybe this is what we call love. Or maybe this is just something else. I got up with my crooked bike that looked like my grandma's back. The bike seemed hopeless but I still carried it home. My buddies where just there laughing at me and they were really assholes back then. I never got to see them when I got old. Anyway so back to the girl I saw on the park, She was really pretty and amazing. Just looking at that angel like face made my heart beat like crazy. She was just everything I wanted.  I was enrolled in a tutorial cen

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